I was browsing through some pictures tonight and found these from last year...

Sophie with
Muncle Jon this week last year. Look at those chubby cheeks and short hair!

Sophie with Aunt Sarah Jo & Aunt
Jac doing some "Walk Away The Pounds!" She has grown INCHES since this time last year! (Incidentally,
Soph joined me for some Walk Away The Pounds this week and she kept up great for about a quarter of a mile. Then she said, "I'm hungry!", ate a
banana and plopped down in the couch!) :)

Sophie (with her hair straightened) NOW. She looks SO grown up!

And SO tall!

Miss Gracie B. one year ago... all sweet and sleepy and snuggle in Aunt
Nera's lap.

Grace in her favorite (and Mommy's too) swing!

And look at my
walkin' girl NOW! I love her look of determination!

This girl melts my heart every day!
Well, they both do! They have changed and grown so much in the last year. I have too. I've been stretched and I have been blessed.
I have endured months, and I do mean MONTHS of waking up in the night over and over, 1000's of diaper changes, many sore muscles from lifting car seats and kiddos and more crazy messes than I care to remember! I've also enjoyed hundreds of slobbery kisses and snuggles and stories, and playing and laughter and blessings because of these little love-bugs!
This year has brought many changes to the people who grace these pictures. We now have TWO more babies to love! Nera has Arianna and Jaclyn has baby Ike. Jon is in College and by golly he is going to give meat another try! Woo Hoo! :)

Mammy with her four grand-babies!
Sometimes change is GOOD!

However... this...this NEVER changes! :)