***I realize I'm a day late and a dollar short on this post. I had picture problems! :)***
In all my slacker-bloggy-ness I failed to post pictures of Gracie's 1st Birthday Party back in January. It's amazing that SIX months have gone by!
But, in honor of her Half Birthday- eighteen months old and Kelly's Korner Children's Birthday Parties carnival I decided to go back and make a post of it.

{My little fishy girl in July}
Gracie is such a delight and I am loving the stage she is in now. She is saying new words every day. My favorite right now is "hot." Outside is "hot," food is "hot." (She says it very staccato like.) I also love it when she says, "noddy- for naughty", "uh-oh" and "eye" as she points to her eyes and nose and mouth. :)

{Grace in her PJammers}
I loved planning Grace's Winter ONEderland. It's crazy thinking about how COLD it was the day of her party in the midst of the extreme heat of this summer.
{The Invite- made at scrapblog.com}
{A view of several of the tables}
I was able to take advantage of lots of after Christmas/Winter sales. We used pastel colors, lots of glitter and sparkles!
{The Cake Table}
{I believe in BIG 1st Birthday cakes. My sweet, sweet friend Jerusha made this for Grace and I added some fun snow-flakes, etc cut with my Cricut}
{The food bar…we had three yummy types of soup, bread, crackers and all the fixins.}
{For drinks we offered tea, water and a Hot Chocolate Bar}
{The Favors- I saved MANY of Grace's baby food jars and we made little jars of Snowman Soup…hot chocolate & marshmellows filled these.}
{The Brewer Snow-family}
{The Real Brewer Family}
{She wasn't walking yet…but she sure tried!}
{Sweet sisters at the gift table.}
{Gracie was blessed with some fun toys and lots of sweet winter and spring clothes.}
{This melts my heart. She just beamed when she realized everyone was singing to her!}
{The Cake- she dug right in!}
{YUM- I love this girl!}

Happy Half Birthday Miss Gracie B.!!!
Right now I'm getting into Birthday mode for my Sweet Sophie. She will be FOUR in September. She is very excited about her Hello Kitty Birthday Party. (Here is a link to the post from her 3rd Birthday party.)
Right now I'm getting into Birthday mode for my Sweet Sophie. She will be FOUR in September. She is very excited about her Hello Kitty Birthday Party. (Here is a link to the post from her 3rd Birthday party.)
Then we'll look forward to January 2010 when we celebrate my 28th Birthday, Grace's 2nd Birthday, my nephew Ike's 1st Birthday and our new baby's BIRTH!
More on that to come… :)