One was big, huge, powerful and ferocious and had the potential to destroy all who were in his way.
One was tiny, soft, innocent and defenseless and has the potential to bring blessings and joy to all who he will know.
One was expected. He was forcasted and watched with a keen eye as he grew and developed far out at sea.
One was unexpected. He was not planned by our human, limited minds, but He was carefully formed and wonderfully made by the Hand of God before the beginning of time.
One brought torrential rains, hail, destruction, a death to dreams to many people.
One will bring newness of life, growth, purpose, joy and so many blessings to his Mommy and to his hopeful family.
I met these two Ike's the same week. One has passed me by, the rains are gone. The other I anxiously await his arrival. My precious nephew.
We don't always understand God's ways. But, one thing I do know... He is the Author of Life and He does not mistakes. His ways are not our ways and His thought are not our thoughts. They are so much higher. What a joy to be in His Hands.
So, just a few more months and I will be able to hold a sweet baby boy. I'll hold him close and whisper in his ears how much I love him.... how i can't wait for him to meet his wild girl cousins (who i am sure will boss him around to no end) and I will tell him how very blessed he is to have Jaclyn as a Mommy.
I really do like Ike.
Ike's first outfit from Aunt Jen & Uncle Dan. Oh how I love minky material! SO soft and warm. Perfect for a January baby.
Thank you so much for this post Jen. Words can't say what it means to me. Ike and I are both so blessed to have you in our lives. I know he and Sophie and especially Gracie, since they are so close in age, will be the best of friends. I love you very much.
I've re read this twice and I'm crying my eyes out. It was beautifully written. Ike is very lucky little boy. This really blessed Jaclyn and I can totally see why. Beautiful!!! Love you Jenn
Aww Jen,
That was a beautiful blog. God does know what he is doing and is blessing your family amazingly with a beautiful baby boy. Jaclyn will be a wonderful mom. God has great plans for this baby.
I like Ike too! I can't wait to meet him as well. Thanks for putting into words something so wonderfully true! I love you sis and I can't wait to be an aunt alongside you as we love on Jac and little Ike! :)
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