Sunday, October 12, 2008

Information Overload

I feel like I'm on information overload lately. I love the internet, but goodness all the stuff... all the craftiness out there, the tutorials, the recipes, the preschool activities, the parenting wisdom, sermons, the political info... TOO MUCH INFORMATION!!!

Sometimes I feel like my head is just spinning around. I am still trying to get my life back in balance since I have started back to work. Yesterday, Dan & I finally got some stuff accomplished at home. We cleaned house, made A TON of baby food for Grace... seriously a lot of yummy food for her... veggies, fruit and chicken. Then Dan detailed the van (have I said that he's my HERO, lately??) and I got to work hanging up clothes in the girls room. I went through all of Sophie's 12 mo. clothes and pulled out tons for Grace two weeks ago, but they weren't sorted, organized and hung up. I finally got that done and the girls room cleaned. I was amazed at the stuff I found under the bed and changing table. Grace tosses stuff off when I am getting her ready and I reclaimed all sorts of treasures. We finished off the night with enchiladas and then I cleaned my bedroom and bathroom. SOOOOO glad it is clean. My toilet was ICKY! :)

Dan and I finally crawled into bed at about 12:30. It's been a good Sunday. Not much going on here.... which is good, even though there are still lots of stuff I'd like to be doing. I have a full couple of days ahead, but I am looking forward to this week. My Dad will turn FIFTY this week, my sis Britt is in and we are going to get to spend some time together and with my aunts as we start planning Jac & Ike's shower.

Soon I'm going to try and post on...
*Bearcat (Or Catbear to Sophie) Football - HOMECOMING
*Painting Pumpkins
*Decorating for Fall
*Pumpkin Muffins & Autumn Smoothies... YUMMY!
*Some more Birthday stuff
*A few political thoughts
*Recent Bargains i have found
*Hair Bow goodness... SO FUN! :)
*Grace's new milestones... saying DA DA & Crawling!!

Right now, I am going to go and try to rouse Sophie from her nap. Then, I am going to work in the girl's room a little more. I really wanted to get some pics up for Kelly's Nursery Tour before the weekend is over. We'll see. Dan's out bow hunting. I pray that he has some success soon!

I've still got a full head... info (although it feels good to at least jot some of it down) and s-n-o-t. (sorry if that was TMI!) I pray that my sinus' get under control this SOON!

Lots of love and blessings to you! Anything fun floating around in your noggin today??

PS- My bloglines has not been working well lately... as in not posting new feeds from certain people. I don't know if there is anything new unless I suspect it and manually go look. Maybe I need to switch to Google Reader??


Anonymous said...

Aunt Debi and I just had so much fun takin pictures! We took some especially for Sophie too! :) Can't wait for u to see them!
Love ya!

Jennifer said...

jac & aunt debi- i can't wait to see them! love you both!! jen

Kristy said...

My bloglines are messed up too! I wonder what is up??

I am hosting Bunco in November and I want you to come! Susan said she would and maybe Mika and another Jennifer? =) I am so excited!!