Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ike is coming!

Tonight, my sister Jaclyn is at the hospital in Fort Smith awaiting her induction tomorrow morning. Ike is coming soon! She has had some difficulty dialating so she has been given medication tonight and prayerfully it will do it's job while she sleeps. My mom, Cheryl is there with her and the rest of us will travel there tomorrow morning in shifts. I am so excited to meet my new nephew. Please keep Jaclyn in your prayers as well as Mr. Ike.



Krissi said...

How exciting, hope all goes well and that baby Ike is welcomed into the world in royal fashion :) Can't wait to see some pictures!

Dania Efird said...

So exciting! Can't wait to see pictures!

Guy and Julie said...

Can't wait to see pictures!! It's so much fun to be an aunt.