Monday, January 19, 2009


I'm not real sure why I am still up tonight? It's been a full day. This morning we was Sophie's first dance class. It started at 10 am and by then we had already had an accident in the floor, an entire bowl of cereal spilled and a little painting incident while mommy was in the shower. Yes, this is normal and this is my life. :) We did finally make it to dance. Sophie wasn't so sure about it at the beginning. This is first experience with anything like this. She loves her Children's Church class, but that is her only experience thus far around other little ones in a structured environment. She finally warmed up to it after a few minutes and then she had a great time. I think Grace would have loved to join in! :) It is an hour long class and I was very impressed with the teacher. We'll be back next week and hopefully Sophie will be ready to join at the beginning and maybe she won't have dried paint streaks up and down her arms! :)

{Junie, Me & Neena }

After dance, I thought we'd stop by and say a quick hello to my mom (Neena) and Junie at my sister's house. I knew that they were going to be working there. Well, what was meant to be a few minutes turned in to an ALL DAY event. Grace went to sleep soon after we go there and Soph showed off her new dance moves. I think my mom was just tickled that we could just stop by without making a 3 hr long trip! It will be so nice when she is able to move into her new house here in town. (Hopefully her house will sell SOON!) We visited for a little bit, mom made us lunch and then we got to work! I called in some reinforcements (Dan & Mom Lisa) and by the end of the day we had eliminated several more boxes, and hung pictures in most of the house. This is a task since her walls are made of cement! This evening, Dan and I ran home for about an hour and cleaned our house before heading back there fot dinner. Again. (We've eaten there the past three night. Jac, honestly... this will not continue! :))She goes back to the Dr. tomorrow, so we should have some news of Ike's arrival soon. I'm praying that he comes in God's perfect time. Jac wanted him to come during President Bush's term, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen... Hopefully soon!!

Tomorrow, the girls and I have nothing going on. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Except staying at home and spending time together. Of course this includes playing, baths, cleaning, cooking, etc, but I am really glad to not have anything big that I am planning on that requires a lot of energy, physical or mental. This is a good feeling. On that I haven't had since about August.

Ok, now it is seriously time for bed!

More pics of Grace's party to come! :)


Unknown said...

I'm sorry you were up so late, but I'm so glad you posted! What a lovely post about your life right now. Also, I love the new background... very pretty!

Kristy said...

Hey- where is Sophie going to dance? I want her to join, but we just never think about calling until it's some random time!!