Monday, October 6, 2008

rainy monday reports...

*i have the last book in the "Baxter Family Drama- SUNSET" by K. Kingsbury in my possession. oh the joy that fills my heart! except that this is the end of an amazing 14 book series! :(

**i have some serious sinus junk in my head. we all have runny noses here. yuck.

***dan went bow hunting for the first time this season. he got up before five and sat/stood out in the rain for hours. sounds like fun to you? :)

****we had a great LIFEgroup last night. the message on parenting was so good. the main thing i took away was that our kids (no matter the age) need 1- acceptance (not a hint of rejection) and 2- time (quantitative quality time). and that our influence on them when it really matters will be based out of our relationship with them not our position (not because, i'm the mom or i'm the dad!) good stuff. :)

*****mom (lisa) and i took soph to the dentist last week. she did good and we got a great report. strong, healthy teeth! woo hoo!!

******gracie b. is on the verge of a major crawling break-through! our lives are about to change!

*******i get my first pay check this week. thank You, LORD!

********we got some MAJOR good news today!! my mom (cheryl) and step-dad, mike (he is in Iraq right now) bought a house in mena today! they have been trying to move here for a while now and they sold their home in tulsa and today the Lord provided the most precious little home today! it is small, but it is SO CUTE! an endearing rock cottage. it is 80-90 yrs old, but it has been completely gutted and remodeled. i am so excited to see how it is all going to turn out! they should be moved in by the end of november if all goes on schedule. please pray that the details will be smoothed out according to God's plan.

(back to the sinus stuff... any one have any tips on sinus drainage??)


Anonymous said...

was it a house on Pine Street, near the Men-Ark apts?


Jennifer said...

hey casey, yep, that's the one. did you guys look at that one??

Anonymous said...

yeah we did. It was gorgeous. We loved it. At the time-about a yr ago-we just knew it was way overpriced for the area, and we knew with its size we couldn't live in it forever. That house is GREAT though. I hope they enjoy being in Mena.
