Last night I cleaned out the fridge. I've needed to do it for a while, but I kept putting it off because I knew it was going to take some time. Well, the time came! We have company coming today and I had to get the visible grime off the shelves.
Here's some evidence that this much needed cleaning was loooong over-due...
Exhibit A: The "Bowl" of Chocolate
I'm sad to say that this "bowl" of
chocolate has been in our fridge since June '07. It is actually left over from the chocolate fountain at
Steph's baby shower last summer. I kept thinking I might be reuse it and to be honest, I had NO IDEA how to get this frozen piece of chocolate out of the plastic bowl it was in. So.... I did nothing. I just kept over-looking it and putting it as far back on the shelf as possible. I missed being able to us the bowl, but felt as if I had no choice. This all changed last night! My handsome-hubby-to-the-rescue (again!) saw the bowl and asked me what what the heck was in it?! I told him the story and he had it solved in minutes. The chocolate went the trash can (after it was photographed. Dan thinks
I'm so weird!) and we now have use of one more plastic bowl. Woo
Exhibit B- Grossly Over-Expired Food
EEEEWWWWW! Expiration Date 11-04-07. Yikes! The crazy thing is I hardly ever buy yogurt but I did today and I'm so glad I didn't open this one and eat it before I saw the date.

Well, if the yogurt was
EEEWWWWW this is triple
EEEEEWWWWWW! This once yummy, Pumpkin Pie creamer has been in there since last fall. You can actually see the
moldy spots through the plastic. I'm so glad that I didn't pull this one out to serve at
LIFEgroup! Yuck-
Exhibit C- Un-necessary Food Duplicates 
I laughed to myself when I found three containers of lemon juice in the fridge. Now, lemon juice certainly won't break the bank, but some other items could and why, oh why spend money on items you already have, Jennifer?! I also found 3 containers of mayo, 2 containers of miracle whip, and 2 new containers of whipped cream.
Am I too gross? Can we still be friends???Here is my freshly cleaned refrigerator. Germ free and somewhat organized. It looks so empty with out all the leftovers.

I guess the freezer is next! 
What does your fridge look like? Any crazy, year old stuff??
i recently cleaned out my fridge too. i LOVE a clean fridge :)
dustin and i are super paranoid about expiration dates, so we never have lots of expired stuff, but I am bad about using leftovers. those definitely get pushed towards the back of the fridge until i realize that i have no pots and have to dump the leftovers to clean a pot for dinner. ;)
my mom, however, is the queen of multiple items (fridge and pantry. seriously, like 12 cans of rotel tomatoes in various cabinets in the kitchen) and EXPIRED items. the last time i was home, i threw away children's tylenol from 2001 (annabelle), 2004 (julian) and 2006 (ezra).
and then we had to go buy new tylenol! :)
haha Your right i should leave more comments,and my refrigerator looks the same. i always have expired food,and tons of the same thing. we are the worst about wasting milk, and neither one of us can handle dumping it in the sink when its sour and curdled therefore it hangs out in the back until we absolutely have to dump it. Its totally disgusting. Oh and I have frozen chocolate from a choc fountain at a wedding shower from like 2 years ago. We think alike :) See you sunday--hopefully before the game. love you
Did you come in my house while I was asleep and take a pic of my freezer?! I am the queen of keeping leftovers in my fridge way too long! Matt always has to clean the fridge out b/c once it gets past a week or so, I am too scared to open the containers for fear of the smell! Glad to see your fridge is looking good again! Come and help me do mine!!!
You shame me! My fridge pretty much always needs to be cleaned out because when I get rid of the old yucky stuff, there are usually one or two that I just can't bring myself to open. So they sit and wait until they're even more gross. Your fridge looks beautiful!
That is hilarious!! We tend to keep the leftovers in the fridge too long, too. I have been crazily cleaning and scrubbing today, so I guess now I'll need to tackle the fridge. Luckily we have NO FOOD so it will be just cleaning off the shelves. =)
Sitting in my fridge right now is a bowl of homemade leftover greenbeans. They've started growing mold but I know it's going to be disgusting so I've just been ignoring it! I'm sure there are also several other things in there that are way expired and/or just plain old. Maybe I'll get motivated this week after both kids are back in school to do some serious fall cleaning!
Well, I GUESS we can still be friends LOL! That's funny. I notice that on my salad dressings and stuff sometimes. This is so funny, it looks like it could be on Oprah! Your newly cleaned refrigerator looks WONdERFUL!!! ;)
I wish I could say I do...but I am an expiration date crazy person...I regularly check all things with expiration dates and chuck them...except spices. :)
thanks for stopping by!
Wow, nice work! The fridge is such a task to undertake! My fridge could use a good clean... Maybe later :) Thanks for stopping by choosetobloom!
I love your blog! This inspired me to clean out the fridge last night. And some stuff was so nasty, I couldn't bring my self to rince out the glass or plastic container to put it in recycle...
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