today grace is 7 months old.
it is amazing to me how fast these months have gone by. God has blessed our lives so much with the sweet addition of this little girl.
she has the sweetest disposition, a contagious laugh, a hearty appetite, a loud squeal/screech, a cute button nose, a wild cowlick!

here is grace with her daddy soon after she was born. i was still in recovery from the c-section. a few minutes after this, grace was put on oxygen and did not leave our hospital nursery until she was air-lifted the next morning to Arkansas Children's Hospital NICU.
i am often asked how grace is doing and if she is all better. it is such a blessing to be able to say that she is 100% healed. the Lord did a complete healing in her little body and we are so grateful. she has a tiny scar from the chest tube, but that is the only physical evidence of her serious health problem. Praise the Lord!
here she is last week. our little piano playing love bug! she has very long fingers and toes. wouldn't it be neat if she played the piano one day like her great aunt "b" and her aunt suzy?
love those smiles!
grace adeline you have blessed our lives and we are so thankful that you are a part of our family. you are healthy, whole, full of purpose and destiny. you are loved so much by the One who made you and the ones who have been blessed to raiseyou. may your life always bring Him glory.
we love you!
ps- i know i sound like a hick in this video! just tune me out and listen to grace's super beats! :)
She is adorable!
so glad you commented, now i know where you are too! hope it's ok, i am adding you to my blogroll
how cute. Our God truly is an awesome God. Happy 7 months Gracie!
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