Friday, August 15, 2008

tree climbing girl and her proud sister

sometimes sophie reminds me so much of myself. (scary sometimes...she's stubborn!) i loved to climb trees as a young girl and still love to swing on a tire swing hanging from a big, stong tree. (i actually had to stand "at the wall"once in second grade for climbing the small tree on our playground. caught by mrs. schroyer!) our home has a big shade tree in the front yard and sophie had to climb it the other day. she knows no fear.

sophie climbing the tree
no fear!
pretty sophie
she's so little and so big at the same time...
go, sophie!

gracie loves her so much and she was entertained by her monkey sis.

sweet times.

1 comment:

Freckles and Frogs said...

I love it! How cute! The title is perfect for you!